Our Services

Lawn Maintenance

Turf Fertilization

About Turf Fertilization

Southern Outdoor Living has teamed up with the Triad’s best fertilization company. Their only focus is creating the best chemical and organic treatments for lush lawns, trees and shrubs. Growingreen has dedicated years to perfecting treatment applications for healthy, weed-free lawns as well as treatments for fungi and insects that is environmentally and pet friendly. Here are treatment options:

  • Fertilization – Five times per year, we apply the proper fertilizer, specifically formulated to suit your lawn at the right time of year.
  • Weed Control – We hit the weeds before they have a chance! Scheduled for twice in spring, twice in summer and once in late fall, we protect your valuable lawn from any kind of weed invasion, plus any special treatment that may be required.
  • Pre-emergence– A good lawn care strategy calls for anticipating what your lawn will need during its growth/dormant periods. Our pre-emergence strategy is specially designed for your lawn.
  • Lime – Since our soils are acidic, we recommend lime every year as we have found this provides the best consistency to pH levels. We generally lime in late summer to early fall.
  • Aeration and Seeding – Our Piedmont soil has a high degree of clay, which needs aeration each year in order to ensure all the proper nutrients reach the lawn root level. Our aeration equipment is state-of-the-art, thus achieving maximum results. We aerate in the fall.
  • Bermuda Suppression – That dang Bermuda grass! Let us handle this “creeping menace!” Both active treatment and preventative measures are required to maintain a perfect lawn.
  • Lawn Renovation – If your lawn is in need of a major overhaul, then you have come to the right place! We love a challenge, and you can count on us to give you the end result you want, no matter what your lawn looks like today. Just keep in mind that a successful long-term lawn care program takes some time to get established.!
  • Turf Painting Service – Our environmentally-safe lawn dying products are guaranteed. You can have that Lush Green lawn year long!
  • Seeding – The quality of seed makes a difference! We use only the best, guaranteed seed, and we know exactly how much to put on (too much seed is a bad thing!), when to put it on, and what you need to do to take care of the seed for maximum results.
  • Disease Control – Disease can strike a lawn at any time. We can spot a potentially serious problem early, so let us know as soon as you see any sign of stress on your lawn.
  • Insect Control – Stop bugging me! Harmful critters take many forms in our area. Call us for preventative treatment now.
  • Organic Programs – We have a completely organic program available. Ask us about this special program.

Our Services

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